Back Care Workshop
Sort Out Your Back
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An overview of the workshop
"Really interesting Back Care workshop. It was great to have the anatomy information first and then tie it in with actual practice. Would recommend to anyone who practices yoga, even if they are not currently experiencing back issues." - Susan
A 2.5 hour online workshop recorded live for anyone who would like to find freedom from backache, stiffness, compression, or improve posture and prevent injury. We will take a brief look at the anatomy of the spine and pelvis and explore movement and breath work which support strength, freedom and flexibilty of the spine and the muscles that support it. You will learn exactly what your core is, and how to recruit key core muscles to create a functional balanced effort throughout the body which supports spinal freedom.
The format of the workshop will be as follows:
a brief presentation on how your back works
gentle warming-up movements
somatic experiencing of the spine and pelvis
gentle asana in all stations to establish the muscle memory for balanced and even distribution of effort
focused posture work
deep relaxation focused on the back muscles
In yoga the spine is seen as a sacred channel for the subtle energies. When your spine feels happy, you move with confidence, grace and strength through the world.