Essentials resources
Enjoy a selection of podcasts and videos online
Can't make it to yoga classes? Practice free yoga and audio meditation classes at home or on the move.

Can't make it to a daily yoga class?
You can practice free yoga and meditation audio classes at home or on the move, or check out Yoga by Nature's YouTube channel for a short yoga fix with the aid of demonstration. To browse the On-Demand Video Library, click here.
Use the two buttons below to jump straight to your chosen resource.
The yoga podcasts are audio recordings of classes that I teach in Weston-super-Mare and around the South West. Classes vary from 10 minutes to 90 minutes long, and you can choose from over 40 Hatha yoga classes, guided relaxations or seated meditations.
Each practice has a different emphasis, and you will find a range that will help you to care for your joints, build tone and flexibility and calm the chattering mind.
You will find several variations of Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) deep relaxation which can be done on the move or at home. Some people like to do these during their commute to or from work. Give them a try for free and get a taster of Morven's teaching style and approach to yoga.
The podcasts are available to download or stream for free from iTunes or from the Libsyn webpage, or you can stream them on the player below.
For a visual taste of Morven's teaching, check out Yoga by Nature's Youtube channel. The videos are short practices that are either yoga therapy or intended as tutorials. Choose from Yoga for Pelvic floor Health, a Sun Salutation tutorial, back care and more.
If you enjoy practising online, why not try On-Demand (Bite-Sized) Yoga?
Morven records two 30 min classes each week and publishes them on Vimeo.
Members of On-Demand (Bite-Sized) Yoga can view the videos to practice along with as many times as they like. From £6.
All Videos
TTAC : Benefits of Yoga During Cancer

TTAC : Benefits of Yoga During Cancer

How to Breathe: relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia (8 mins)

Yoga for Back Care 12 mins Beginners Sequence